Welcome to Worcestershire County Council's Funding Finder

Worcestershire Community Foundation

Worcestershire Community Foundation is a charitable hub dedicated to improving life in Worcestershire through grants. We champion local causes, raise funds, and distribute grants alongside 47 other Community Foundations nationwide. Over 30 years, our network has provided over £1 billion in grants to support vital community initiatives.

Worcestershire Community Foundation

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Bromsgrove and Redditch - Community Clean up Grant

One-off grants are available to assist voluntary, charitable or community groups with environmental projects in the local high streets, village centres and estate centres of Bromsgrove and Redditch.


The Community Clean up Grant is provided by Redditch Borough Council and Bromsgrove District Council from Ministries of Housing, Communities and Local Government funding. Grants are administered by the Bromsgrove and Redditch Network, a Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) that has been supporting local volunteers and community organisations for over 25 years.

Value Notes

Grants of up to £1,000 are available, but it is envisaged that most grants will be £300 or less. Projects must be delivered within a year of the grant being awarded.

How To Apply

Applications can be made at any time and will be considered on a rolling basis until all funding is spent. Separate application forms are available for projects based in Bromsgrove and projects based in Redditch. A FAQs document and application forms are available to download from the Bromsgrove and Redditch Network website. Contact the Network for any further information.


For further information on how to obtain this fund, please contact the following:

Enquiries Bromsgrove and Redditch Network Community House

103 Easemore Road

Redditch B98 8EY

Tel: 01527 60282

Email: grants@barn.org.uk

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Physical Activity Wellbeing Grant

About the grant

To mark the opening of Kepax Bridge, we have set aside funding to support initiatives that enhance physical activity and active travel, encouraging participation from all members of our communities. We want to enable people to use local green spaces and infrastructure, like the Kepax Bridge, to be more active as part of their regular routines and within their community, connecting with others in a safe, healthy and social way.  Incorporating physical activity and active travel into our daily lives is essential for a healthier future. By embracing these practices, individuals can improve their health, contribute to environmental sustainability, and foster a more connected community.

What are we looking for in applications?

Projects and initiatives that enable people to be more physically active in their community. Grants can be used by voluntary or community sector groups to establish or maintain exercise groups or session (for example, walking groups or couch to 5k running programmes). This may include training members in fitness leader courses, buying equipment or promotion of exercise opportunities.  Community organisations (e.g., charities and Community Interest Companies) may bid for up to £3,000. Regular physical activity provides a foundation for a healthier and happier life. It helps prevent a variety of chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, while also improving mental health, reducing stress, and boosting overall quality of life.  Active travel means getting about in a way that makes you physically active. It's all about walking, wheeling, cycling, scooting, or any other form of human-powered transportation to get from one place to another. The aim is to encourage people to incorporate more physical activity into their daily routines. The benefits are compelling: a healthier lifestyle, more liveable communities, and a cleaner environment.  We will be particularly interested in applications that focus on groups who face the biggest barriers against living an active life, including older adults and people with disabilities. The money cannot be used for infrastructure projects and is only one-off funding. Therefore, applicants must indicate how they will ensure the sustainability of projects after the grant funding has been utilised.

How to apply

As these are small grants, we are determined to keep this process simple.

To access funding simply complete the form below.

Apply for the Physical Activity Wellbeing Grant

This form asks you to describe your proposed project and how you will spend the funding. We aim to get back to you within two weeks with a decision. You can apply any time before the end of June 2025. 

For more information visit the webpage


The Stay Connected Community Grant

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Tackling loneliness and social isolation has been a priority in Worcestershire for several years and is one of ambitions of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2022-2032), which focuses on what we all need to be mentally healthy. 

In line with this ambition, a new action plan has been created by the Tackling Loneliness and Isolation Partnership to outline what we need to focus on to reduce feelings of loneliness and improve social connections among people who live and work in Worcestershire. To support this action plan, Public Health in Worcestershire, with the support and joint funding of the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner, has developed the Stay Connected Community Grant which allows community-based organisations to apply for one-off grants of between £250 to £2500 to support projects in the community which aim to tackle loneliness, isolation or any combination of the two.

Who can apply?

The Stay Connected Community Grant is open to third-sector not-for-profit organisations who:

  • have an annual turnover of £100,000 or below
  • have a bank account

Generally, we will not fund projects that have received funding from Public Health in the last 12 months. Generally, this grant does not seek to fund pooled fund arrangements, and any project applying must ensure total project funding is sought within 3 months of the bid being successful. 

Due to the existing Educational Innovation Fund, schools are not eligible to apply.

To find out more information visit our webpage

Application process

Anyone can contact the team to discuss a project in advance of applying.

Please contact:

Applications should be made using the online application form.

Which will be considered by a panel against the funding criteria. 

To request an alternative format please contact the Public Health Team at: HWBAdmin@worcestershire.gov.uk

Panel review meetings take place every 6-8 weeks and the team aim to get back to applicants to confirm the outcome of their application within this timeframe.

There is currently no deadline and the applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Following successful application and signed grant agreement, funding will take a minimum of 2 weeks to be processed.

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Community Projects and Funding

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Worcestershire County Council are committed to working together with communities to improve the lives of people living or working in Worcestershire.

The council have listed local and national websites which support individuals and groups wanting to set up community projects.

The information available provides a useful reference if you are thinking about a community project. The council have also listed information about local and national funding to help your community group get up and running or information and help for well-known groups already supporting the community.

Visit the Community projects and funding website

Further information

For further information please contact:

Strengthening Communities

Worcestershire County Council

County Hall

Spetchley Road



Contact by email

Website: Worcestershire County Council community projects and funding