News article

Wharfedale Foundation grants bringing communities together in Y&H


The Foundation has its roots in the Christian tradition and will fund projects, services, activities and developments in Yorkshire/Humber, which aim to bring people together to build social cohesion and create a stronger, fairer, less divided society

The Wharfedale Foundation is a charitable trust that has its roots in the Christian tradition. We recognise a common practical vision of a better world with those of other faith traditions and none. 

The Foundation will fund not for profit organisations, including charities, faith organisations, small voluntary groups and CIC’s in Yorkshire and the Humber that bring communities together, support communities who feel marginalised and forgotten, or build bridges between communities.

We fund organisations with an annual income that is at or below £300,000 by giving grants from £500 and up to £25,000.

In the next funding round the Foundation aims to fund projects/services or activities which bring people from different communities together to build social cohesion and create a stronger, fairer, less divided society.

Grants are for up to £10,000 over 1 or 2 years for organisations with an annual income of under £150,000 and for up to £25,000 for organisations with an annual income of under £300,000.

We encourage applications particularly from smaller organisations and can cover projects/activities/core and development costs.

The Foundation will be spending out over 2024/5 over 4 application windows.  Round 1 has already closed and Round 2 will be open for expressions of interest on 2 September 2024 until 20 September 2024.

Organisations which are invited to make a full application will need to submit between 7 October and 1 November 2024. There will be 2 further rounds in 2025.

The Foundation will be running short Meet the Funder on-line information sessions where you can find out more, on:

Wednesday 11th September at 10am

Thursday 12th September 12pm

For more details about the types of organisations and projects we support see What We Fund. To find out how to apply and book the above zoom events see Apply for Funding.