News article

Now open | Stay Well this Winter Grants


Leeds Community Foundation is pleased to open the latest round of Stay Well this Winter Grants in partnership with Leeds City Council Public Health.

Stay Well this Winter is a partnership between Leeds Community Foundation and Leeds City Council Public Health. Now in its 14th year, grants awarded through this fund enable community organisations to support vulnerable people most at risk of becoming unwell over winter.

Key information

  • We encourage applications from under-served and/or under-represented communities across all our funding opportunities
  • Applicants will be asked to signpost and refer people they work with to a variety of support services, as appropriate.
  • Priority will be given to proposals supporting people experiencing multiple vulnerabilities, including but not limited to:
        - Children and older people
        - Pregnant women
        - Disabled people, including those with mental health concerns, long-term illnesses, and/or learning disabled people
        - Low-income households (<£30k)
        - Marginalised or isolated people
        - Homeless people
  • Contributions to core or management costs can be included in proposal budgets, to a maximum budget percentage of 15%. The need for the budgeted amount must be clearly demonstrated.

Examples of activity that can be funded

  • Practical hands-on support for vulnerable residents who are isolated due to winter weather or illness, e.g. doorstep delivery of food, (volunteer) transport, handypersons, shopping, etc.
  • Welfare/befriending visits and/or calls
  • Digital inclusion support and training
  • Games, crafts, culture or other activity to increase social connection and engage people with services
  • Outreach for homeless people or rough sleepers, including warm clothing and bedding distribution
  • Proactive initiatives or groups to engage “new” people that may not have had access to information before beyond existing service users
  • Tailored or individualised winter wellbeing packs including information and equipment

Grant Size: Up to £3,000


Duration: Winter 2024/25: Oct-Feb

Application Deadline: 31/07/2024 at 12 noon

Decisions: September 2024

Read more and apply here

See all of our open grants here