News article

£3.3 million Leeds CLLD Programme about to launch


​The Community Led Local Development funding programme in Leeds is getting ready to launch. Funding will be available for projects which improve employment, skills and business prospects in deprived areas of East, West and South Leeds.

The programme has over £3.3million of European Social Fund (ESF) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) monies available to fund projects that will help improve employment, skills and business prospects in the most disadvantaged areas of the city in parts of East, West and South Leeds. All organisations within the third, public and private sectors can apply to deliver a project. Organisations who bid will need to provide an equal amount of match funding for their project.

A series of launch events across Leeds are taking place in September where you can learn more about the programme and how to apply. Following this we will be issuing calls for organisations to bid for funding.

Each area of the city, West, East and South, has a different emphasis and the launch events reflect these with a different keynote speaker at each. You may be interested in attending more than one event depending on your area of interest and where you deliver your services.

To register for one or more events click on the links below:

In the meantime, if you’d like to know more, please contact one of our Funding Support Workers (see below) or have a look at the Facebook pages for the East, West and South. Our website will be live by late August / early September. More information on the programme is also attached. Please share this information with other organisations you feel relevant.

Claire Anderson FSW West Leeds Tel 07891 274 113

Verity O’Hara FSW East Leeds Tel 07891 272 836

Brendan Tannam FSW South Leeds Tel 07712 215 824